Archive by category “ Offshore Advice

How to Change the Directors of an Offshore Company

The procedure is not different than when changing the Directors of a company in your own country. The steps to be followed will depend of course of the structure and status of the particular offshore company. Company with Nominees The first  point to check is whether the company is fully managed by the registered agent that…

Using an Offshore Company for Tax Optimization of a Legitimate Business

Many people still think that offshore companies are just tools to use when one wants to hide his/her money in a tax haven. There is this of course and I will not deny it. But there is far more to it than just this. Offshore companies can be used by business men who are operating…

Hong Kong, Kim DotCom and the MegaUpload Mess

Many offshore providers (I Included) are promoting Hong Kong as one of the safest place to do business because of its free economy and good tradition in bank secrecy. Now some people may have second thought about opening a Hong Kong Bank account in view of the Megaupload mess and especially the fact that Hong…